Monday, August 19, 2013

Just so thankful

I'm surprised at how I am feeling this week.
I thought that with school about to start I would feel a longing to be in the classroom.
I don't.
I thought that I would be ready for a break from time with my little one.
I'm not.
Instead I am feeling extremely thankful.
Thankful that our family has an opportunity for me to spend time at home, even though I never wanted to be a stay at home mom.
Thankful that I have energy and patience with an almost eighteen month old.
Thankful that I have time to savor the little things.
I did not have time, patience, or energy when I was running a classroom.
Today I saw pictures of little ones ready for their first day of school and teachers starting a new school year. I was surprised at the indifference I felt. We made a trip to the store and when I saw college kids shopping with their parents that started to stir my emotions a bit. 
Reflecting on it, I thought maybe that I was feeling a pull towards teaching in a college setting. That feeling changed tonight when I wanted to take a picture of Sophia with her puppy. That stuffed animal brings her so much joy.
Neighbors from up the street were walking past with their bike and Sophia wanted so bad to go with them. She ran down the driveway, followed them down the sidewalk, and cried when I told her we had to go inside.
Tonight as we were looking at photographs she was pointing at all of the pictures and saying 'eyes'. It really hit me how much she is growing up.
I am just so thankful that I am able to enjoy my time with her now.
  photo 350bd18c-51d0-4b18-95a4-836dd2da11f2_zps5720b10d.jpg

1 comment:

  1. She is so cute :) glad you are enjoying your time at home!!!


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