I'm linking up with A. Liz Adventures for another Five on Friday...cheers to the weekend!

Sophia has reddish hair. I am not sure if she will stay a redhead, but I love it!
{I will admit to choosing filters on instagram to make it a bit redder}
I love how her hair can start great conversations with others about their connections to redheads.
Something I learned about red hair -
in order to have a redhead, you have to have redheads on both sides of the family tree.
Two nutella recipes I am very much looking forward to trying:
Nutella Swirl Ice Cream
I saw this on
A Beautiful Mess and I can't wait to unpack our ice cream maker and try this out!
Nutella Sugar Cookies
I saw this recipe on Pinterest from
this site and I think it will work with a gluten free flour blend.
I got a little caught up in the Great Kate Wait. I was betting on a girl - wrong.
I thought Kate and William showed such grace when introducing the prince to the world.
There is no way {even with help} that I would have been camera ready 24 hours after giving birth.
HRH Prince George - I know a sweet little American commoner if you are interested :)
I had the best green smoothie at Whole Foods thanks to the Vitamix demo man.
Can't wait to unpack my blender (which is NOT a Vitamix) so that I can try to replicate it.
I wish I had asked for the recipe. I know it had pineapple, lime, and spinach.
Who knew I'd like spinach in my smoothies :)
I am no longer living and teaching in North Carolina but after reading
this article I am worried about education in the state. I won't get on my soapbox but so many amazing educators are leaving the profession. No raise, phasing out tenure, cutting even more teaching assistants - North Carolina you have done a disservice to the profession.
This is my 100th post!