I had a very much needed low-key Spring Break.
Sophia spent some time at her school which allowed me to get some things done without my sidekick. I love having her with me, but errands are so much easier when I don't have to bring her with me. I also did a *little* spring cleaning. There is so much that I still have to get done, but progress has been made.
Dave and I went on a lunch date. We finally checked out
Ru San's - a sushi place here in Charlotte. Dave tried out the buffet. I could not get over all of the options that were available to choose from. They have a huge selection of rolls to choose from, but unfortunately for me most of the specialty rolls were tempura, fried, or had 'fake' crab. Even though the gluten free selection was limited I enjoyed my meal. They did not have gluten free soy sauce so next time I will be bringing my own.
I enjoyed some shopping. All of us got some new items for our wardrobe. Sophie got the most :) I found some cute rompers at my favorite kids thrift store and found a few other summer items that Sophia had to have.
Some sales that I picked up from Gap. |
I thought I would be working at Gap but after not being able to punch in for my first shift I found out that I had automatically been terminated since I had not worked in 90 days. I will be applying for my job again this summer. I've worked for the company since 1999 and love having a position with them. The clothing discount is pretty sweet too.
The best part of my break was time with Sophia. She is non-stop and so much fun. I can't wait until summer and having more time with her!
Other things I did during the week:
- playdates
- time at the park
- a much needed brow wax
- a little yardwork
- new glasses
- finished up some lessons for school
- caught up on blog posts
- watched Lincoln and The Lorax
- got my summer budget in order
- packed up clothes that were too small for Sophia