16 weeks |
Size: from a lime to a bell pepper.
Total Weight Gain: about ten pounds.
Maternity Clothes: I just recently started wearing more maternity pieces. I have been living in the in-between jeans I bought after Sophia was born.
Gender: Surprise! We will find out in February!
Cravings: Mexican, especially Chipotle veggie bowls, Sweet Leaf Green Tea, any form of potato, but mostly french fries. I am surprised that the ice cream and pickle cravings haven't shown up yet.
Symptoms: Things haven't been awful since getting out of the first trimester. I have so much more energy and am not as moody. The sinuses have been giving some pain but my veins are the only real problem. I opted to not wear the compression tights this time and have been trying to keep the toddler lifting to a minimum and make time to put my feet up. Luckily the weather has cooperated and not been too unbearable.
Movement: Yes! Feeling lots of little movements as of week 17.
Sleep: Sleep is not great. I toss and turn a lot at night and have had trouble napping in the afternoon.
Moment of the Week: Finally telling our families. We wanted to tell our parents in person. I am so glad the news is out. I hate keeping secrets!
What I Miss: Sleeping through the night and having a stronger bladder.
What I'm Looking Forward to: Getting settled from our trip and our ultrasound in a few weeks.
Big Sister: Sophia still doesn't really understand. She talks about the baby in my belly and then tells me about the baby in her belly. She loves playing doctor and checking on Mommy and Baby.
Looking Back: I started blogging when I was about seven months pregnant with Sophia. Even though I was not posting weekly updates, I was sending them to family to keep them updates with the pregnancy. I am reading over those updates now that I am pregnant again and I thought it would be fun to compare the two pregnancies. When I was pregnant with Sophia I craved dairy; I want very little to do with it now. Even though my belly is much larger this time around I have gained about the same amount of weight.
13 weeks |
14 weeks |
16 weeks |
18 weeks |