A very unhappy little lady. |
This week started with some recovery time. We still have not developed a formal schedule, but we have a good routine going. While Grandmom was in town we spent a lot of time out of the house and after she left we had a few rough days while were getting back into our normal routine. Sophia is going through a growth spurt and has had some major cluster feeding, which added to the fun. I must say that if I was on the fence about breast feeding, eating all.the.time. would have made me switch to formula super quick.
I am thrilled that the smiles have finally arrived. I have yet to capture a good one with the camera. She is even giving complete strangers big toothless grins.
Say "cheese"! |
Sophia and Nana doing "so big". |
Grandpop and Nana flew in and spent a few days with us.
Bouncing on Grandpop. |
Sophia developed a little bit of cradle cap. Nana suggested olive oil and it cleared it right up. The dogs also thought the olive oil was a great idea!
Dave's cousin sent us some presents this week. My favorite - a Moby wrap. Having a carrier makes it so much easier to get things done around the house when Sophia wants to be snuggled.
This is the best of the numerous pictures I took.
I have the shakiest hand when I try to take self-portraits. |
All wrapped up next to Mommy. |
Here are some more pictures from this week. Picture overload :)
Boppy photo shoot. Love this sweet face! |
All wrapped up in her new blanket from GG. |
Sending texts with Daddy. |
Hanging out at the backdoor with Kona. |
The bouncy seat is our new favorite toy from Lisa. |
These swaddles are awesome for the middle of the night when I am barely awake.
Looking like a little larva.
First trip to Brixx. Sophia slept the whole time.
We got seated in the 'kiddie section' - which was not the most pleasant dining experience.
The sign says drink beer, save money. |
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