Friday, March 6, 2015

Emma Layne {one month}

Emma Layne,
Today you are one month old! (March 6, 2015)
Here are your stats:
Weight: 9lbs 7oz (69 %)
Length: 21 inches (81 %)
Head Circumference: Forgot to write down...oops!
You are wearing newborn diapers but you won't be in them much longer.
You have outgrown most of your newborn clothes, but a few items still fit. Most of your current wardrobe is 0-3 months.
You are eating every three hours during the day (except when you had your growth spurt you ate hourly). Night time feedings vary. You have gone as long as seven hours before needing to eat. Most nighttime feedings are every three hours.
We don't have a schedule yet, unless you count eating every three hours as a schedule. Evenings have been rough. You want to eat constantly starting around 7 until you go to sleep. That interferes with getting big sister ready for bed. We've all had some tears at night when Daddy is at work.
You tolerate tummy time and can move your head from side to side. You have accidentally rolled over twice while being frustrated with tummy time. You love to lay on our chests and I love watching you do baby push ups while you are there.
You have had a few smiles while you are awake but you smile and laugh all the time when you are falling asleep or sleeping.
You just started cooing to talk to us but you make the best noises. Sophia likes to name the animals you sound like. Most often you are doing impressions of horses or elephants.
You get fussy when you are hungry, tired, or need your diaper changed. Cuddles or a pacifier usually calm you down when it is not a time to eat.
You are rooming with us and sleeping in your pack and play. You sleep swaddled at night. I stopped setting an alarm to wake you to eat (mainly because I was sleeping through it anyway) around two weeks. Most nights you fall back to sleep easily after eating, but then there are the other nights when you just want to cuddle and chat.
You are the perfect addition to our family. Big Sister is so in love with you (most of the time). We love you Baby Sunshine! You have brought so much light to our lives already!
Read about Sophia's first month here.
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