Wednesday, April 16, 2014

April Showers bring...PUDDLES!

April showers bring flowers too, but puddles are much more fun. Sophia would jump in every little puddle she could find if I let her. That phrase 'childhood is calling' echoes through my head whenever I try to rush her away from jumping.
We went on a neighborhood splash walk after a few days of wet weather. Not only is Sophia obsessed with her froggy rain jacket, her boots are by far her favorite thing she owns.
Dave was a good sport and jumped in almost every puddle with her. She caught on that puddle jumping isn't really my thing and kept coming to grab my hand and jump with her. Maybe I would enjoy it more if I had a pair of rain boots.
Love this kid.
Linking up with Ashley and Jess today.

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1 comment:

  1. Love those curls sticking out of her raincoat hood!! Such sweet pictures!


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