Well, blogging is hard while I am back at work. I hate that I don't have the time, but what really stinks is that I can't remember all of the little things that have happened over the past few weeks. So much has happened but here is a snippet.
Messy carrot face :) |
In the past few weeks Sophie has eaten prunes, butternut squash, apples, peas, oats, peaches, carrots and bananas. We made everything except the prunes. She ate all of the food but she really did not care for peas on their own. She also sampled formula. We might need to start supplementing soon so I just wanted to see if she would drink formula on its own or if we would need to mix it with my milk. Stress is taking a toll on my milk production.
Sweet little Sophie feet while she is eating. |
Sophia had her first fever. It only lasted one night and was partnered with her first cold. She just got over little cough and a runny nose. I have gotten quite good at using that nasal aspirator thing we got from the hospital.
Happy even when she is not feeling great. |
She mastered going from her belly and all fours to sitting up on her own. I love that I can plop her down on her bottom now. She also hit a new milestone of CRAWLING (in the formal term of the word - she has been moving all over for awhile). She can't get very far, but she is moving! She loves to stand but she is still having trouble planting her feet flat. She is also getting pretty good and pulling up on everything.
Crawling is not fun in snap-up jammies. |
Action shot. |
First time attempting to pull up. |
Still no teeth, although I would have sworn that she was teething three months ago. The gums are starting to look a little swollen so maybe soon? I'll believe it when I see it! She has started 'talking' more, but she has not gotten to the point of babbling yet.
Sophie attended her very first game night and lasted until ten before having a meltdown. I was hoping she would fall asleep at Matt and Kristen's but no such luck.We played Partini, which was quite fun and embarassing. I never knew that some people could not hum!
Watching the silliness with Santana. |
Just a little cuteness. |
We celebrated the first birthday of Ronan and Logan. Their Daddy is a childhood friend of Dave from Pennsylvania and even though they live really close to us in Charlotte, we hardly ever get together. I blame that on me thinking I am shy and Dave working as much as he does. The theme of the party was Thing One and Thing Two - perfect for twins!
Sophie and I on the way to the party.
It was on the water so Sophie had to wear her sailor dress. |
Being a working mom is HARD but Sophie and I are getting used to it. We miss Dave - being a chef means he works evenings and is not home with us. Since the summer Dave has been basically living at the restaurant. He was already working longer days to make up for the fact that the head chef is out on medical leave (broken bones in his feet since July 4th). Then that little thing call the Democratic National Convention came to Charlotte so I am not sure that he even knew his name for a week. The head chef is still out from complications but Dave has been able to have two days off every week. He still has paperwork stuff to catch up on at home, but at least we get to see him.
Visiting Dave at work for a post-DNC celebration. |
The piggy that got cooked at our house.
Thank goodness the head was roasted at the restaurant. |
A few other random moments from the past few weeks:
Love this little chair and ottoman. |
Our little peanut. Just over 14 pounds. |
Cheering on the EAGLES with daddy. |
Little cheerleader. |
Although this picture was my idea, I totally blame it on Dave.
Sophie with the zombie babies. |
Sophie has gotten way to busy to sit still for a picture. |
Attempting finger food - diced pears.
She is able to get it in her hand (or stuck to her hand) but not to her mouth.
She does great with eating the chunks if you feed them to her.