Full Term
Three Weeks Left!
Size: Baby H. is about 6 1/3 pounds and measures about 19 inches long, like the stalk of swiss chard.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained one more pound this week for a total of 35 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: Yes, yes, yes! Some of my maternity shirts no longer fit :(
Cravings: Not much of anything, but still wanting sweets - probably because they are not in the house.
Symptoms: I was a little more uncomfortable toward the end of the week. I am also enjoying allergy symptoms in February - will we get any winter weather this year?
Movement: The little one is still moving around in there in the little space that is available. It makes for some strange belly movements.
Sleep: Overall good, most nights I got between 5 and 6 hours of sleep.
Moments of the Week: It was a very good week. I was very fortunate to spend time with many of my friends. It was heartwarming to hear all the nice things they had to say. We also had the carpets cleaned and started setting up a nursery. I washed all of the baby's things and got them ready to be used.
Tuesday night I got to talk to one of my sweet friends who just moved to Atlanta. She gave me so much confidence about breast feeding. Her little one had the hardest time latching on so she pumps and bottle feeds and it works out great for them. I will definitely be calling her for some words of encouragement if I get discouraged.
I had a doctor's appointment on Monday and I left completely freaked out! The baby's heartbeat was lower than normal (which happens due to the baby being in the birth canal). I had my iron test (normal) and my strep test (still waiting for results). When she did my internal exam it was discovered that I am already 3 cm dilated! Yikes! I called Dave (who was very busy preparing to feed all of the love bugs their valentines dinner) and he decided to freak out with me. We definitely had the giddy-this-is-really-real giggles. The doctor said that I could stay at this point for a few weeks. I am just monitoring for other signs of labor. I will be sitting with my feet up and keeping my legs crossed as much as possible! One of my friends was 3cm dilated for the last four weeks of her pregnancy and still needed to be induced, so there is hope to last until my due date.
What I Miss: Aside from allergy medicine I am missing my independence. When I prepared our second floor for carpet cleaning I got really discouraged with how little I was able to do. Aside from the lifting that I was unable to do, I had a really hard time reaching under the beds and furniture. Although I want the little one to stay in until our due date, I am very much looking forward to bending and moving normally again.
What I'm Looking Forward to: My next doctor's appointment and continuing to work on the nursery.
You look SO GREAT!! I am SO excited to meet this baby. COME OUT BABY H!!!